SO: Music City Festival kicked off this week across a range of venues in Southampton.
The aim of the week-long festival is to showcase the success of the thriving music scene in the city, encompassing all genres, whilst lending support to the growth of a sustainable music industry across the South Coast.
The multi-venue festival is platforming artists across the city whilst also offering free outdoor events at the Guildhall Square with advice from professional music panels and the chance to get involved with interactive music workshops.
Miles Hobbs, bassist for BASH!, a Southampton-based band that are performing outside the Guildhall on Saturday 23rd, spoke to Rock a Little about the event, “As a group of musicians we are really excited about the festival. It’s great to be able to showcase our music whilst also supporting smaller venues and other live performers in the city. Southampton has such a thriving music scene and I think that more credit definitely needs to be given to those people working so hard to make that happen, to me that’s what this festival symbolizes, it’s a celebration of live music!”
SO: Music Festival is funded by Southampton City Council and the two universities in the city. Organisers of the event have said, “It's important to highlight how much goes on in the city. It raises awareness to current non-gig-goers, it may help you find out about new scenes, nights and venues. It will help people realise we have as much music going on in this city as places like Brighton, Bristol, and Liverpool, we just need to shine a light on it”.
“At a time when our music venues are closing and more music creatives than ever before are having to leave Southampton to make a living, it’s never been more urgent for us all to take a positive stand”.
Events are set to continue straight after the SO: Music City Festival, including regular monthly music talks, networking, and advice from surgeries with local, national and international professionals from within the music industry.